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Positive Mindset – The Key To Financial Freedom

What if there is a guaranteed way to achieve financial success in your life?  Wouldn’t you want to try it?  Well, let me tell you – there is just such a thing.  It can be your “Road to Financial Freedom” and you can achieve your financial goals.  Let me explain. 


In the past I set many “Goals” and did not achieve most of them.  I was curious and wanted to know why some people were successful and why I struggled to achieve my goals.  I wanted to be successful.  I read many books, articles and listed to videos of successful and wiser people and I realised the secret, well, actually its not a secret.  Its more like an “Open Secret”.  More about it later.


Using the information I had gathered, I made a few changes starting with implementing a NEW routine into my daily activities.  Over time old habits were replaced with new habits.  I began noticing small changes.  I felt good and that kept me going.  I am more in control of my day and I make better decisions and choices.  I am also less impulsive.  I’m not going to lie to you, it’s challenging at the start but it does get easier as I continue to practice my new found routine.


The Open Secret I mentioned earlier, the key to success and the key to failure is… We become what we think about”.  Many great & wise people, philosophers might disagree on many different things but unanimously agree on this one point. 


You too can learn more about money mindset and how you can improve your life by changing the way you think about money (as this article is about building wealth).  Start small … Start now… Decide what is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make in your entire life and you will notice very soon that you have a NEW way of living. 


Reaching Your Financial Goals Sooner With A Positive Money Mindset.


So, what is “Money Mindset”?  Money Mindset is the way we think and feel about money.  It is the behaviour that is behind the financial decisions we make every day.  The choices you make impacts how successful you will be at reaching your financial goals. 


If you can change just One Thing – i.e.. the way you think of and interact with money, then your outcomes and results will be different.


Broadly speaking there are two types of mindsets – Positive Mindset and Negative Mindset, and the majority of us are somewhere between these two extremes.


People with a Positive Mindset … well, think positively.  They make every effort to build a brighter future, to safeguard and protect themselves and their families, to plan and prepare for changing situations.


Research shows that our behaviour and our interaction with money ie. savings, spending, investing etc is influenced by many factors that started from when we were very young. Our family, society, environment, culture, religion, country etc to name a few have all formed and shaped our thinking and our behaviour.  


Change is not easy.  At first it will be challenging but as the saying goes… “If you do what you always did… you will get what you always got”.


Are you willing “To re-train your brain”?  To become a Positive Thinker?

Here Are Some Traits of Positive Vs Negative Thinking…

People with a Positive Mindset are:

  • Awareness of their current situation
  • Live within their means
  • Set aside money for unforeseen events
  • Spend wisely & manage their debts
  • Think of the future and prepare for it
  • Continue to learn, grow and adapt to changing situations
  • Acknowledge that at times progress can be slow

People with a Negative Mindset are:

  • Unwilling to acknowledge their current situation
  • Lack of knowledge and commitment that is required to bring about change
  • Live in Fear and Anxiety
  • Feel helpless due to a lack of control
  • Procrastinate in the hope that things will work out eventually
  • Unwillingness to learn and help themselves grow and change for the better

5 Ways to Develop A Positive Money Mindset…

There are many things you can do to better understand “Money”.  As you learn how money works ie. income, expenses, assets, liabilities, you will become more confident and successful with managing your finances.

Make Today the day you choose to Change.

Tip 1 - Listen to your internal dialogue: Use your inner voice to guide and serve you.  Learn to hear, trust and follow your intuition.  Like a sixth sense it can give you out-of-the-box information you won’t receive any other way. 

Tip 2 - Practice replacing Negative thoughts with Positive thoughts:  Our minds wander all the time either reviewing the past or planning the future.  When you notice your thoughts wandering into a negative space, take note and keep coming back to a positive thought and to the present moment.

Tip 3 - Be Okay with Change & Adapt: Change happens within us and around us all the time. Acknowledge it and embrace it. History shows us that there are cycles of booms and busts, inflations and deflations, growth, prosperity and depressions. Change is “Normal” … Learn to manage “Change”.

Tip 4 - Accept & Come To Terms With Your Current Situation: No one is perfect so it is very important to forgive your past financial mistakes and move forward. We are never “always” in control of the things that happen around us. Practice controlling the two areas you can control – Your Attitude and Your Effort.

Tip 5 - Money Is, But A Medium Of Exchange: “Money” is a commodity that is accepted as a medium of economic exchange.  In a job we exchange our time for money, this then allows us to exchange the money earned to buy goods and services that we need to live now and into the future… Money is a commodity.

Are you Ready to start your Financial Journey With A Positive Money Mindset?

Here are some important things you can do… starting today

  • Know your income, track your spending, and identify areas you can change so you can save more (Prepare a Budget)
  • Set money aside for unexpected events (Set up an emergency fund)
  • Tackle your debts head on (Create a repayment plan)
  • Look for solutions … (Think outside the norm and look to the future)
  • Actively manage your money (Be in control of your finances)
  • No matter the obstacles … Keep moving forward

Start small … learn from your mistakes and grow. 

Embrace the NEW way of living. 

Go for it. It’s worth a shot.


PocketSmith is a Budgeting and Personal Finance Management Software App. It is easy to use and allows you to focus on what is important to you to begin your journey to Financial Freedom, Cash Flow and Money Management

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