About Us

WELCOME to Wealth Money & Me

Hello.  My name is Priscilla Stephenson.

Born in India into an average working-class family, I immigrated to Australia in my early 20’s.

Having been taught from an early age the way to financial security is to get a job, work hard, put some of my income aside as savings “for a rainy day” I did OK.

I am very grateful for the good financial advice I received as a child. As an adult, I wanted to do more than have some savings, but did not know what or how.

The answer – Invest my Savings, so I decided to go back to basics and start learning.

I soon realised I needed to change many areas of my life.  My thinking, my habits, my routines… in short, I needed to change the way I approach life - “My Mindset”.

I set up the Wealth Money & Me website to share my learnings and experiences. I firmly believe the secret to success and financial freedom is a balance between Health, Wisdom and Wealth, I find it so much more satisfying because I took a holistic approach.

I look forward to sharing my learnings with you and the wisdom of a plethora of successful people.  To offer options, ideas that will encourage you to think deeper, wider and smarter.  Knowledge... Options... Opportunities... a path to financial freedom while have fun along the way.

I have come to the realisation that luck has nothing to do with success, CHANGE does.

Everyday I continue to learn, to grow from experiences, to challenge myself by stepping outside of my comfort zone, trying something new… something different, just appreciating and enjoying the present.

Lao Tzu said "The Journey of A Thousand Miles Begins With ONE STEP"

So, what are you waiting for! You too can Realise Your Dream … Start LIVING.

TODAY is the Day… let’s get started One Step At A Time.

Priscilla Stephenson

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